Social Responsibility
Charity and Welfare
Rural Revitalization and Assistance to Designated Areas
Closely following the strategic rural revitalization plan of CR Group, CR Beverage participated in rural revitalization constr...
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Hundred Libraries Plan
CR Beverage "C'estbon Hundred Libraries Plan", initiated by CR Beverage in 2007, is dedicated to donate libraries to primary a...
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Disaster Relief Rapid Response Mechanism
CR Beverage's "Disaster Relief Rapid Response Mechanism" originated from the "5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake"in 2008, as a response ...
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Environment Protection Public Welfare
​CR Beverage has long been actively involved in water-related public welfare initiatives. Collaborating with multiple charitab...
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Waste Material Re-born Program
In 2023, CR Beverage launched the "C'estbon Waste Material Re-born Program". By combining resources and creating platforms, we...
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